Database of the Week - Literature

Gale Literature (Gale in Context)
This resource is one of several databases provided free by Marlborough District Libraries. All you need is your library card number and PIN (usually your year of birth).
One of the of the Gale databases, this is an excellent resource for people who want more information on a literary event, document or person.
Search or browse for the information you need. Included in this American database are the Gale Literature Resource Center and the Gale Literature: LitFinder.
The Gale Literature Resource Center includes up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text criticism and reviews on thousands of writers from all eras.
The Gale Literature: LitFinder where you can access literary works and authors throughout history, including full-text poems, poetry citations, short stories, and more.
Topics of interest include articles on L. M. Montgomery, Charles Dickens, ballets and The Lord of the Rings.
Go to the Art, Music and Literature page of our Digital Library to access the Literature database