Database of the Week - Te Aka Māori Dictionary

This resource, for learning te reo Māori is available free, and may be accessed via the Marlborough District Library’s website, via the Heritage page.
The aim of this website is to support learners of Māori. It is an excellent bilingual dictionary that includes encyclopaedic entries, idioms and grammatical explanations.
Search for the words you need in either English or te reo Māori and listen to audio clips that provide pronunciation examples.
In 2007 photographs of species and people began to be added and in 2009 the sounds of all the native birds were added to the dictionary.
Go to our Heritage page to access Te Aka Māori Dictionary
This dictionary complements the series of four textbooks and related resources in the Te Whanake series.
See if Te Whanake titles are available on our catalogue or place a hold